Member-only story
Lost at Sea
“This is an opportunity of a lifetime.” Rylie reminds herself. The elevator doors open and Rylie steps in with the rest of the morning toilers to reach their various destinations. “Good morning” is exchanged all around, a pleasantry that was not extended outside the climbing vehicle. Maybe it’s the involuntary proximity that compelled the boxed inhabitants to give a traditional greeting. Rylie watches the fellow passengers exit on their various floors until she is the sole commuter on her way to the penthouse. The doors open with a ding, and Rylie steps into the buzzing suite. It sounds to her like snow on a television, as she makes her way to her office, though a few voices are distinguishable.
“How did Barb like the weight loss feature I pitched?”
“She hasn’t gotten back to me” She replies.
“I left the dating feature on your desk Rylie, I hope you like it.”
“Thanks, I’ll get right on it.” She says without a glance.
Rylie opens the door to her office and quickly shuts it behind her. She takes a deep breath and focuses her eyes on the ocean photography on the wall behind her desk. The static on the other side of her office door fades away to the sounds of the ocean lapping the shore. She tosses her purse to a lounge chair and walks towards the water, he is beside her.