Member-only story
Pipa’s Pot Pie
Pipa placed the chicken pot pie in the oven looking forward to her Saturday night date with Tobias, this is the first time she’s cooked for him and she is simply giddy. It really doesn’t take much for Pipa to be happy though, and her happiness is infectious. She can light up a room with a flash of her smile. It radiates from within and has the ability to touch everyone in the room. This is also the first time Pipa has made a pot pie, she chose it because of it’s said ability to envelop the heart, and make even the coldest ones melt. Not that Tobias has a cold heart, he’s the first relationship Pipa’s had since her disastrous break up a year ago, and he’s assuaged her of all her fears with his kindness.
“That should do it.” She says as she closes the oven door.
Her hair is still wet from the shower and wrapped in a towel. She wears a slip as not to mess up the spring dress she’s chosen for tonight’s rendezvous. The pep in her step springs on bare feet as she makes her way to her vanity to don her makeup and unravel her mane. Her eyes twinkle as she thinks of the evening ahead. She thoughtfully untwists the towel and lets the ends of her hair tickle her shoulders, as she holds the towel in her hands and feels it’s dampness. Then with a flip of her wrists, she tosses it in the air and holds her palms flat beneath it. It hovers it in the air as beams of light emit from her palms, hoisting, warming, and evaporating the moisture from the towel…